September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I'm going overseas and hoping to stop by Dymocks on my way (I am from the outback so do not suggest online ordering please, ain nobody got time fo dat).
    I'm hoping to compile a list of things I can at least look out for.
    I'm not a genre reader, but I know I lean toward classic and "literature". Anything remotely human condition explorative. fiction preferable but I am a philosophy/history nerd too.

    Some titles I highly enjoyed:
    Flowers for Algernon
    Valley of the dolls
    Catcher in the Rye
    The bell jar
    The collector
    Perfect days
    No longer human
    The stranger
    The ego and its own
    Wild swans
    All quiet on the western front
    Negative space
    Amygdalatropolis (literally everything by BR Yeager)

    by BlackCoffeeAndBuns

    1 Comment

    1. IHaveLostMyName on

      Negative Space mentioned raaaaaaa! 🐓🐓🐓🔥🔥🔥🔥(I couldn’t find the eagle emoji)

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