September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I'm reading the Vintage Random House edition, translator unspecified, 9780099518945.

    It's bad. There are so many variables at play. I don't know if the problems are just something from the French that doesn't quite fit into English, something to do with the era it was written in, poor editing and grammar (use of commas for instance) or whatever else.

    There are chapters that feel extremely dense and hard to get through. Is this true of other editions? There will be a dense chapter but then afterwards a much freeer flowing one, it's almost as if this edition has been translated by multiple people, not all of whom speak French.

    I wish I'd known this 700 pages ago. As there's still half of it to go, I'm off to buy the Robin Buss edition.

    by blahajlife

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