July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Looking for a book about being at sea, a fishing village, or similar. preferably surreal or supernatural elements to it.
    Think the vibe of The Lighthouse (the film) or The Old Man in the Sea meets gothic horror.

    I’ve already read a bunch of Lovecraft, but not all, so you can rec Lovecraft if you like.

    by bear1y


    1. Madhouse at the End of the Earth: The Belgica’s Journey into the Dark Antarctic Night by Julian Sancton is an awesome book! It’s a based on a true story but is also absolutely a horror story.

    2. Seventh_Stater on

      One of the later Pirates of the Caribbean movies was based on such a novel but I forget which one.

    3. Into the Drowning Deep may be more modern than what your looking for but is great nautical horror

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