July 2024
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    1. “The Catcher in the Rye” by J.D. Salinger.

      The book isn’t really famous here in germany and it crossed my way two years ago only by incident. I planned a SPA day with my Girlfriend when while we were on vacation in the Black Forest, I realised that I left all my books at at home.

      So we took a short stint to a bookstore were I found a german issue. I knew the name of the novel only because it get’s mentioned in American Movies and TV Shows every now and then and it seemed, that the book is a big part of the american cultural heritage.

      So I took the chance, started reading it and loved the descriptions of the post war New York, the Clubs, the merging Musical Culture with it’s roots in mostly Black Jazz and Blues Musicians. I was fascinated by the worlds that collided: On one side the separated upper middle class living it’s own cosmos of boarder schools, high rise appartements with it’s strict and narrow minded social rules and on the other side the young Holden fed up by all the people around him, the stiff WASP fortunate sons in his school, his parents that already paved the way to his future career. The numb daughters of Lawyers, Doctors and Architects he met at school.

      He is sure that he has to break out, but he also knows that it’s way too early and he is still too young, and that he still has to arrange himself with living by his parents for a while. But he wants to taste the other life, wants to dive in the alternative way he desires so much!

      Definately a novel that deserves the praise it has gotten and still get’s!

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