September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hi everyone,

    As the title suggest I’m looking for fiction book recommendations as I loved reading when I was younger but have lost the hobby as an adult.

    I love browsing book stores but can never seem to settle on a decision with nothing to go on but the look of it and the blurb on the back.

    Lord of the Rings and the Hobbit were some of my favourites growing up, and as an adult I loved reading 1984 and Dune. I also loved Matthew Reilly action books too but I assume these may be a little immature (for lack of a better word) for me now.

    Any great fantasy, sci-fi or even history inspired books you all could recommend to me? Thank you all in advance.

    by thehalfbakedwizard

    1 Comment

    1. OptimisticOctopus8 on

      I think asking for personalized book recommendations is against the rules here to prevent such posts from outnumbering the rest, but there’s a great sub just for recommendations: r/suggestmeabook

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