July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I recently discovered that my current favorite genre of books & movies is something called “Parafiction”. Basically it is the merging of nonfiction & fiction to create a story.

    I am especially enjoying conspiracy thrillers but I feel like I am running out of them.

    Does anyone have any recommendations that might fit the category?

    by Phanes7


    1. The Monster of Florence by Magdalen Nabb is a novel that’s the product of the author’s research on the serial killer case of the same name. As I understand it, she had to fictionalize her account to protect herself from potential legal action because she really doesn’t portray the Italian police in a favorable light, but as far as I know the book is closely based on the real case. I hope that’s the sort of thing you’re looking for.

    2. LiterarilyFine on

      Not sure if it’s what you’re after but maybe historical fiction could work for you to the extent that it’s a fictitious story based around factual events / people?

    3. Martian_batata on

      In an Antique Land by Amitav Ghosh is exactly this.

      The book interlaces two narratives: one follows Amitav, an Indian anthropologist in Egypt (the author himself), while the other delves into the subject of his research – a 12th-century tale of Jewish merchant and his slave.

    4. *The Things They Carried* by Tim O’Brien may suit you. It’s a recollection of O’Brien’s experiences in the Vietnam war. O’Brien explicitly states at the beginning that the book is a work of fiction, however one of the characters shares his name and there are hints that some of the stories may be true. The author intentionally blurs the lines between fiction and nonfiction throughout the book. Be warned, it can be a pretty rough read at times.

    5. Taste_the__Rainbow on

      *Chasing Shadows* by AJ Hartley is exactly what you’re looking for. And it’s pretty good!

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