September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    so this is a quick one, i’ll take you way back to the first pages…

    1 – the house of Pointz hall has a terrace, but what type is it? a roof terrace or a ground terrace, what do you think?

    i think it’s a ground terrace because the nurses push the perambulator down and up in the garden where goerge grubbed the flower and got scared by old bart, am i right?

    2 – what does “ravaged face ” here mean :

    “the gentleman farmer, Rupert Haines. She had met him at a Bazaar; and at a tennis party. He had handed her a cup and a racquet–that was all. But in his ravaged face she always felt mystery”

    does it mean deformed or just naturally ugly, and if deformed, deformed by what?

    that’s it, too short, right, i told you it’s an unsual one.

    by SaidNadir2021

    1 Comment

    1. SideburnsOfDoom on

      2): “ravaged” can mean “disfigured by age”.

      Is Haines stated as an older man? Or maybe this passage is supposed to imply that?

      So if Haines is a farmer and thus has spent a lot of his time outdoors in sun and other weather; and if he is on the older side and doesn’t know from sunscreen or moisturiser, then his skin is likely not is good shape? His skin shows his age and life.

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