September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I just finished the Shades of Magic series and need help finding a series to follow it up.

    I'm looking for something in a similar vein but with slightly more romance than shades of magic had. Not like smut every other chapter but more than just interrupted kissing and some "fade to black" scenes. A happy medium would be nice.

    I prefer the main character to be a female who's not a teenager. Or for there to be multiple perspectives told with at least one of them being female. I've loved my fair share of YA books (especially the shadowhunter chronicles) that are like this but I just can't relate to teenagers anymore.

    I like most types of fantasy just nothing too political based and definitely no omegaverse. I prefer more character based plots rather than some high fantasy that's all about the crown and the realm and all that. I'm more in the mood for an urban fantasy or some low fantasy with pirates or thieves. More like Lila's plot line in the shades of magic.

    Also, I'm good with serious or heavier themes, but I need some humor and sarcasm thrown in there too.

    Anything with at least 3 books to the series is a huge plus.

    Please and thank you to all recommendations.

    by emma______yep

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