September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    hi, i'm looking for a book, but i don't normally read, so i've been having trouble figuring out what i should read. i do play some visual novels, which i really enjoy. one of my favorites was a game called "seven years from now." this game had really interesting topics, including things like time leaping and memory manipulation, which i really liked. and also the whole "everything keeping them apart" thing is just so great (i dont wanna spoil anything but its really sad its like doomed yuri but straight). since i'm really bad at explaining, there's a plot summary on the wiki, but i really recommend for anyone to play this game, i really enjoyed it! i also like other visual novels like doki doki literature club and needy streamer overload, not just for the psychological horror aspect, but the mentions of depression and other mental issues, which i like reading about. i'm looking for something not too short, because i plan to use this book for a novel study in school.

    by Complete_Salary9983

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