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    I don't normally read sci fi but these two books come up all the time on Reddit as books that people couldn't put down!

    What's difference between them and which did you prefer?

    by CoffeeBeanPole


    1. _The Martian_ is more grounded, and more focused on engineering than _Project Hail Mary._ In both books, a main character uses clever thinking and scientific knowledge to make it out of a seemingly impossible situation, but _Project Hail Mary_ has a bit more of a mystery and more focus on characters interacting with one another.

      I think _Project Hail Mary_ is the better of the two, but it’s also the one that’s more distinctly science fiction. Up to you if that’s a good or bad thing.

    2. gonowbegonewithyou on

      The Martian is the better read. Mark Watney is an incredibly entertaining protagonist, and for as much as I enjoyed Project Hail Mary, Ryland Grace reads as Mark Watney with a charisma bypass.

    3. fragments_shored on

      I’m almost never a sci-fi reader but I enjoyed “The Martian” and couldn’t finish “Project Hail Mary.”

    4. The Martian is easier to get into, and more relatable. PHM took a while to get into, but the second half of the book is fascinating so I’m glad I kept going

    5. FollowThisNutter on

      The Martian. Funnier, more admirable protagonist, more believable plot. One of the relatively few books I have a paper copy of! (Only my very favorite books get the dead tree treatment.)

    6. GroundbreakingWind86 on

      I think PHM wins for me because I read(audio book) it first. It was the first of his books I read, too, and I hadn’t read much sci-fi in a long time.

      I really enjoyed The Martian, which I read soon after PHM. But I think I found the themes of PHM more interesting.

    7. _I_like_big_mutts on

      I’m exclusively an audiobook listener. Project Hail Mary is a much better audiobook as compared to The Martian. If you plan to listen, Project Hail Mary is the way to go. It’s a perfect roadtrip book.

    8. Project Hail Mary had an insane ending that i loved and will probably always remember til my dying breath, but I definitely think The Martian was more fun and just more entertaining.

    9. The Martian is awesome. Fact/science based sci-fi reality/thriller. Perfect book IMO.

      PHM is childish in comparison. It uses science as a tool to fool the reader into thinking that it’s premises are plausible. But, it’s really a totally ridiculous cartoonish version of sci-fi and reads more like YA lit. It’s not nearly as good, but I think more people like it because the bar for enjoyment is much much lower than the Martian and it has a goofball alien sidekick character, so kinda Pixar-bait.

    10. I liked Project Hail Mary more! The Martian was a fun read but man I was on the edge of my seat for so long with Project Hail Mary.

    11. I loved The Martian and hated Project Hail Mary but I couldn’t for the life of me tell you why

      But both are probably worth a try!

    12. WerewolfDifferent296 on

      I love both of those but Hail Mary has more mystery. I can’t stand the second book he wrote though (forgot the name).

    13. Be prepared for the worst humor you’ve ever read. If you want some good sci Fi, check out Stanislaw Lem

    14. The Martian is very good! Uplifting Sci-Fi about human spirit and coming together with a common goal.

      Project Hail Mary is good too, but has a lot more depressing stuff than The Martian, so I didn’t enjoy it as much.

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