September 2024
    M T W T F S S


    1. CompoteStriking2585 on

      I’ll probably get downvoted but the worst book I’ve ever read (meaning finished) was Blood Meridian lol. It’s 100% my fault I’m sure it’s great and a classic and xyZ but good god it just wasn’t for me at all. Flowery language, a boring plot, I’m not at ALL smart enough when it comes to literature to enjoy all the deep/rich symbolism/allusions etc. I’ve read SOME OF a lotta worse books but I forced myself to finish Blood Meridian or as I called it “Wait …why are they killing this guy?”

      And I loved The Road and ATPH, wasn’t as big a fan of the crossing but it was fine enough.

      So yeah, personal question gets a personal answer lol which, to restate….I’m wrong about haha.

    2. Jude the Obscure by Thomas Hardy is always my answer for this type of question. I hate that book so much. Victorian misery trauma porn.

    3. Maybe not ever, but recently? It’s a tie between *It Ends With Us* and a memoir by one of the Duggars.

    4. MyScrotesASaggin on

      Cows by Matthew Stokoe. My god what an awful book. I made myself finish it. Sex with cows was a plot point and the MC killed his mom by pooping down her throat. It was self published for a reason.

    5. I have to be honest, The Catcher in the Rye. I read it in high school as required reading. I’m almost 25 now and have considered re-reading it just to see if I was potentially too young to really *get* it, but every time I get close to opening it back up, I remember how much I didn’t like it and talk myself out of it. I go back and forth because the main character, Holden, is 16 in the book. So, theoretically, if there was ever a time for me to identify with the book it was at the age I initially read it. But I also know I didn’t have the same reading comprehension that I have now so… Much to consider.

    6. Something I gave up on part way through no doubt.

      Worst book I’ve finished is Magicians by Lev Grossman. Main character is so dislikable and I had no desire to spend more time with him. Having an unlikable main character can work if they are an interesting yet unlikable character but here they weren’t weren’t that.

    7. bubbly_opinion99 on

      Verity… and I’m sorry, but I just didn’t enjoy Midnight Library at all. It just fell flat for me. Was a slog to get through.

    8. There’s only one book that I DNF *twice* and that was Twilight.

      I tried reading it the first time when the book came out and I was a vampire obsessed pre-teen. It was fine up until the point where the vampires play baseball and I remember thinking it was garbage and I didn’t continue reading.

      A few years go by and a movie about vampires was coming to theaters. I figured I should read the book before seeing the movie. I get to the point where the vampires are playing baseball and thought it was garbage and then remembered *I had already tried reading this book* and returned it to the library.

    9. Fifty Shades of Grey, hands down. I got a out half way through and took it back to the library.

      Wasn’t all the explicit material, the characters are trash. It wasn’t well written either. Just a terrible book.

    10. Thusspokeyourmomma on

      Atlas shrugged. Easily. It’s not about the ideology. It’s the completely unrealistic situations and the strange sex scenes.

    11. Mammoth-Show-4925 on

      The Alchemist.
      I know the book and the writer is very popular but man,,, the guy sold his sheep, left his home, lived like a beggar only to find gold near his hometown.
      I get it, the whole thing is about the journey but it just didn’t float with me.

    12. Atlas Shrugged

      And it’s not even close.

      I wistfully look back at the week I lost reading that self-indulgent tripe

    13. Atlas Shrugged. Talk about your opponent being a straw man. Such a long read where the same points are being preached over and over.

    14. New-Illustrator5114 on

      I HATED “A Little Life” and I side-eye the shit out of anyone who tells me it’s the “best, most powerful, most moving, blah blah blah” book they have ever read.

    15. “Vicious” by V.E. Schwab. I didn’t finish it. The storyline was borderline pedo-y and boring. The idea in general was good (people with superpowers), but poorly executed. Also, the author’s writing style made me feel like I was reading a book made for the elementary level.

    16. Allegiant, it’s the 3rd book in the Divergent series and it…tested my temper. But I had to read it to complete the trilogy

    17. Alone-Blueberry on

      A Little Life by Hanya Yanigahara. That book pissed me off and I was just so mad at myself for wasting hours of my life reading it. Also, it didn’t make me cry like all the girlies online, it just made me angry that someone would be fucked up enough to write such an exploitative piece of junk. The author is repulsive in so many ways

    18. “Leave the world behind” was terrible. Slow and anticlimactic. Movie on netflix wasn’t any better.

    19. Adam Mickiewicz – ‘Pan Tadeusz czyli ostatni zajazd na Litwie historia szlachecka z roku 1811-1812 we dwunastu księgach wierszem’ which translates to ‘Mr. Tadeusz or the last foray in Lithuania a noble history from 1811-1812 in twelve books of verse’.

      It’s a book I had to read for school and it was written by the most important polish poet. I didn’t even read it all but after reading some of it I decided not to read any books for school anymore and I came to a conclusion that this guy probably used to take some drugs.

    20. The Last Thing He Told Me by Lara Dave
      I can’t imagine how they made it into movie. The plot was ridiculous and the book was just awful.

    21. Where the crawdads sing.

      I dnf because after like 15 pages I still felt like I didn’t understand a single word

    22. Dingle_Drainwitz on

      Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow. Had to put it down about halfway through. I can’t understand the acclaim.

    23. booksandbumblebees on


      I have no idea why people love that book. 600+ poorly written pages of gratuitous Scottish accents, uncomfortable sexual encounters, and a mind-numbing amount of rape and flogging.

      (Frankly I would much rather be flogged than have to read it again.)

    24. The Goldfinch. I know a lot of people love it and it’s a Pulitzer Prize winner. I found it incredibly boring and depressing. It took me forever to read and I didn’t pick up another book after that for months. I kept hoping it would get better, and it just didn’t.

    25. Into the Wild. A dry ass nonfiction book about a nepo baby with mommy and daddy issues and oh boo hoo he doesn’t want to be like his parents so he throws fucking everything away and leaves college, fucking buries a shit ton of money, I think he actually burned a bunch of money at one point, and hitchhikes to go live in the Alaskan tundra with no experience with frontier living. The author clearly sympathized with him, and it was set up like a mystery following his path to figure out what happened to him. Spoiler alert: he fucking died. I hated it, but I had to read it for school.

    26. Itchy-Astronomer9500 on

      It Ends With Us (Colleen Hoover) for the usually stated reasons,

      Royal Arrow (author forgotten) because I couldn’t find a plot for the sake of me (-> my first DNF) and I was always waiting for action that was never coming.

      Twilight – I care neither for the book(s) nor for the film(s)

    27. Where the Crawdads Sing 🤮

      Ok ok fine, obviously it’s Twilight. But Crawdads was pretty bad.

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