September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hello, I’ve recently decided to start reading again to stop consuming so much digital content and I’m not sure what books to read. Most of the books I’ve read were while in school. I do enjoy longer books because I like to read a lot at once. I would enjoy nonfiction books that tell exciting stories but otherwise no. Some books that I have enjoyed:

    Hunger Games trilogy
    The Giver | Lois Lowry
    The Hatchet series, Harris and me, and Woods runner | Gary Paulsen
    Seabiscuit | Laura Hillenbrand
    Stowaway | Karen Hesse
    A Wrinkle in Time
    Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry. Road to Memphis | Mildred D Taylor
    My Side of the Mountain | Jean George
    The Uglies trilogy + Extras | Scott Westerfeld
    Old yeller
    Bridge to Terabithia

    by HanaDulSetGo

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