There were these books I loved as a kid which were like my introduction to historical fiction (one of my favorite genres now as an adult) but I can’t remember for the life of me what they were called or who they were by. I’d say these were for a 4th – 6th grade reading level or so. The covers were old-timey and there was a ribbon bookmark type thingy built in. The one I remember the most was about a poor girl’s family surviving a dust storm (possibly the Dust Bowl itself) and they were trapped in their house trying to keep the dust from getting in and covering their faces to breathe.
There were several in this series; I think one was about a tornado, there was a war one, etc. I don’t recall any set after the ’40s.
by missfeline99
Possibly the Dear America series?
I know there’s a subreddit dedicated to helping people find books they’ve forgotten the titles of! r/whatsthatbook
There is a Canadian series called Dear Canada. Same format. A lot of the same themes.