September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Has anyone read the Frederica Potter series recently? I just finished Still Life because a real fan declared it was Byatt's best book. Now I discovered Still Life was the second in the series. I thought it was great and Frederica well worth more story, particularly after circling back to the first chapter. Should I go back to The Virgin in the Garden or just go forward? Byatt's writing demands so much attention that I'm a little leery of dissapointment after having started with "the best".

    by EngineerSuper1896

    1 Comment

    1. Byatt is one of my favorite authors, and I love the entire Frederica quartet.

      Definitely, definitely read *The Virgin in the Garden*. I think that book goes really well with *Still Life*; they are my favorites of the series.

      The last two—*Babel Tower* and *A Whistling Women*—are also excellent, but they go in difference directions, which I respect a little more than I love. But they’re both highly ambitious, successful books, and I think they’re also terrific.

      Have fun reading about Frederica as a teen. Amazing stuff.

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