September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    My son is almost 3 and we're beginning the process of actively teaching him to read (as in, asking him what this word is, pointing out the picture for context, then sounding it out for him/prompting him to sound him and helping decode, etc). We already read a ton, but those books are not the basic learning Phonics type books. So I'm looking for some that are at his level that he'll be able to read on his own when he gets to that point.

    We are focusing on Phonics rather than sight words.

    I've found a few series that have "levels" which is great but there's so many out there I'm just looking for some more personal opinions.

    Any suggestions for books/series?

    Please let me know if there's another sub that might be more appropriate for this!

    by PM_ME_Happy_Thinks

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