September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hello all! Looking to build a small little stockpile of books. be it for myself or for guests! Also alongside that I'm trying to find the name of a book I read when I was in middle school but I don't remember much.

    First, the mystery book. I remember it being a fantasy story where a group of younger characters embark on some sort of journey, and one of them ends up being some sort of royalty and is set to be married off at a really young age. I think there was a dragon claw and ring on the cover? I'm genuinely not sure on any other details.

    Now as for genres I'd like to keep around, I was thinking of a handful of genres. Mystery books, feel good fiction, and fantasy are my go-to but really good world building or character writing is a must. Also there's nothing wrong with all the big titles like Harry Potter or Percy Jackson, etc (can you tell I didn't keep up with reading much after high school? It's one of my biggest regrets, lol) I'm mostly looking for newer universes I've not heard about so far. One pretty good story I read was the night angel trilogy by Brent weeks. There were some parts I didn't care for or felt was rushed but overall I did enjoy the series. I apologize for the lack of specifics, unfortunately I'm not great with words but I have way too active an imagination so I end up tripping over my thoughts.

    by natiplease

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