September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hello! I think the title makes it clear what I am searching for. My ex got a smidgen of custody back after 5 years of being mostly absent from our kids' lives because of criminal choices he has made. He is a very dangerous person (has been abusive towards me for years and our children as well) so it's weighed heavy on me that the courts have decided to give him any unsupervised time back at all. All of that said, the issues I have raised to him via email (kindly I might add) have been consistently met with "when I have them during my time, I can do/say what I want with/to them" on top of hurtful, nasty remarks towards me. Although I realize to an extent he does have some form of control while they are in his care, I still have full legal custody which makes a lot of the things I disagree with not-so. It has made it impossible and very exhausting trying to co-parent with someone who does not seem to know what the 'co' in 'co-parenting' means. Nor does he seem to accept that me having full-legal custody means there will be situations where he will have to abide by standards in our children's lives that have been set by me or themselves. I'm hoping some of you may have some good suggestions that could help guide me or feel less alone while going through this situation. It's been really challenging, and sometimes I feel uncertain about which direction is the right one, depending on the situation. Thanks for any suggestions you can give! 🙂

    by bexla4

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