September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Keep in mind, I have never seen The Exorcist and only this week have I started reading the book. So perhaps if I had watched the movie a long time ago I would not have this perception at all…

    But darn if the police detective who investigates Burke's death doesn't strike me as uncannily similar to TV's Lieutenant Columbo. From his mannerisms to his long overcoat to his starting to leave and then remembering and there's just one more thing he meant to ask… To his super polite investigating… To his mentioning of his wife and how much she loves the movies that Chris is in… It got to where I cannot read him in the book without picturing Peter Falk playing him. Am I crazy for making this connection?

    by Chadfromindy

    1 Comment

    1. The problem I have with him is that he has no effect on the plot. Everything would be the same if he never appeared. He’s only there to switch focus from Regan and Karras for a few scenes.
      Similar to the doctor in An American Werewolf In London, who also gets the investigative bug but contributes nothing bar some pacing relief.

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