September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I really loved Never Let Me Go by Ishiguro because I loved the way the characters felt like they were living breathing people, they seemed really human with the way their motivations for acting the way they do, the flaws in their characteristics, or soft sides to them that the author wrote about them were just so interesting for me to read about. I'm wondering if there are any other literary fiction books that are similar to Never Let Me Go in this nature.

    by kac-chan


    1. AlthoughFishtail on

      I’ve not read the book you mention, but in terms of character development I consider Iris Murdoch to be the cream of the crop. The Sea, The Sea was a booker prize winner and is excellent, but The Bell is my personal favourite,

    2. my new favorite book is by a writer who is not a professional author — and the assorted characters are super interesting; so the writer must be very observative

      The Raven Conspiracy by Michael Spratt

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