September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hey guys, first time poster here and really hoping you can help me find what I'm looking for.

    I (22m) lately have been in search of a particular kind of book, something sad, but maybe with a heart warming twist, or vice versa. A book with the main character dealing with heartbreak, and/or loss in particular would be the best, with handling their own/others addiction making good runner ups(or why not a combination?). I'm looking for a read that will really immerse me in the Main's feelings and emotions, something to really make me feel what they are and bring tears to my eyes(or even ugly cry). I prefer a male MC, for a deeper immersion/relatability, but it's not a requirement.
    Thank you in advance!

    by jonnyfive10

    1 Comment

    1. BobbittheHobbit111 on

      Really anything by Guy Gavriel Kay, but for the most of what you asked definitely recommend Sailing to Sarantium or Under Heaven

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