September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    This 1992 book proved to be an excellent novel. I hesitated to read it for a long time because of its strange title, but now I see that I shouldn't have, a completely "Murakami" text, with melancholic love scenes, philosophizing about the past, present and future, about human mortality. There is no specific magic in it, but quite a few of the writer's realistic characteristics and magical mood creation are present.

    I had a wonderful reading experience, the barely 200 pages or 15 chapters flew by easily.

    An ideal start both for those familiar with the author and for those who just want to read a well-written, short novel in the same vein as Heller: Something Happened and Hornby: High Fidelity.

    My idea of the stars of the movie version:

    • Hajime, the protagonist, story teller: Eric Bana
    • Shimamoto, the femme fatale: Scarlett Johansson
    • Yukiko, the wife: Rebecca Hall

    So I've done the hardest part with the casting, you are welcome, Hollywood, it is your turn now.

    by besucherke

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