September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hi everyone. I love reading. It's my escape from reality. It takes me to a whole new world. But I have a few problems. I get SUPER emotionally attached to books. To a point where I feel absolutely empty when I finish a book or series. Like yesterday for example, I was reading "As good as dead" From the agggtm series and I came to point where I started crying. I know it's normal to cry because of books, but what happened in the book bothered me the whole day. To the point where if I even thought about it, I immediately burst out in tears. I literally cried myself to sleep because of it. I hate the empty feeling I have because of books sometimes. And everything the characters feel, I feel too. I just found it weird that I feel empty or get so emotional that it bothers me for a whole day. So is this normal? Does everyone experience this? Please, I need to know.

    Ps. Does anyone have good recommendations that is similar to AGGGTM

    by taylorsversion_x

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