September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    So expedition goes to a remote area (jungle, north pole, caves, whatever) and slowly, things start to get a little nutty.

    I've read and liked a few lovecraftian novels but I'm specifically looking for something like this. Don't recommend actual Lovecraft works like Mountains of Madness, because I've already read those.


    by Yelebear

    1 Comment

    1. BlacksmithAccurate25 on

      Maybe, if you squint a bit, [The House on the Borderland]( by William Hope Hodgson.

      In the early 1900s, two fishermen walk out into an uninhabited part of Ireland, high on the moors. There they find a great dark pit, filled with water and overhung by a precipice.

      On the precipice, in the ruins of an old house, they find a tatter diary. It belonged to the last owner of the house, who tells the story of increasingly strange and sinister out-of-body experiences that bring him into contract with sinister beings from another dimension. As the story progresses, it becomes clear that these beings were looking for a way into our world.

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