September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    So I was wandering around reddit doing what a normal guy would do, surf memes or read shitty made up stories.

    I just recently found out I am a Nice guy, and struggle with dating and with life.
    I always thought I was not happy, and I often did things that made others happy in order to seek to be loved.

    As the Author stated in the Book "No more Mr Nice Guy – By Robert Glover " that it's a paradigm that one keeps on trying hard to be keep being on nice and try to look different. Which made sense to me when I looked up on myself and gave a thought yes all of my relation until today are only because I keep helping people or just good at that subject and it interested people into their advantage.

    I never felt they have a relation because of me as a person but my skills as person. All most none have ever asked me how I m doing in life.Also the part where author state only men can teach men, on how to be men also made sense to me, cause I was raised by a single mom and have spent all my life pleasing and seeking love from my mom and I have never been successful at it. It's almost I was chasing a perfection i could never be or be happy if even I achieve.

    Up until now I have never read a book for 5 mins without sleeping, But yesterday I just felt it that this book says a lot about actually me, Yes me and I read the book whole night and I still reading.

    If anyone who thinks it's been the same with them, could you please suggest another book that I can read after this.
    If you have been a nice guy and been in the same what did you actually do to be better in life.

    Iife isn't same anymore since this morning, first thing I woke up and did is say no to my mother.

    Damn if you read till here, I think you know what I m writing here. Please let me know what other books you have read to that made sense to you about your whole life.

    I have been reading wrong books my whole life and I thought it was not that essential in life.

    The book actually felt good, like even better than sex. Those words just hit me in the core of my heart.

    by Majestic_Subject519

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