September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    really don't know what's wrong with me but I haven't been able to read for almost a year. However, there is a book that I read just yesterday but other than that one book I can't fit anything else in my head. I read that book every few months. But I try to read something else and I just can't. Maybe if I find something similar I can read it.

    The main character of this story is someone who hasn't lived but because her parents were very religious and they didn't let her live her life even though she was 20 years old. There she meets Luka, he's someone handsome that the main character likes but her mother always mistreated her and she has very low self-esteem. Luka helps her and makes her feel wanted and loved. but!! He has always told her that he wants her as a friend, just as a friend. He never said anything to her about being a couple or anything. Her parents beat her in a horrible way and she decides to leave her house. Luka and his friends help her and she falls in love
    with Luka even more. One night, drunk, Luka tells
    her that he likes her but that she's not his type. And
    the girl's heart breaks, but that's it. And Luka
    continues to treat the protagonist with affection and
    they kiss. So she remains excited. The protagonist
    meets a super beautiful girl. They become friends
    and one night they go out for a walk and Luka calls
    her and asks her where she was. She tells him that
    she's downstairs and he goes with her. In that
    moment, the friend goes to say hello to another
    person and in that moment, Luka arrives. And he
    hugs the protagonist and gives her a kiss, in that
    moment, the friend arrives and the protagonist
    describes with much pain how Luka lets her go
    say hello to his friend and Luka looks at the friend as she looks at him. And so Luka got carried away by appearances and sleeps with the friend. That breaks the protagonist's heart and she realizes that Luka has no problems in starting a relationship, only that it was with her that he didn't want. and then in the end they fight because finally Luka realizes that he does love her and that he wants to start something serious and he talks to the main character and she accepts and everything. but when she goes to visit him he finds her friend with him, she gets very angry with him since he had told her that he liked her and that he wanted something with her. she calls him a liar and many ugly things. he tells her that if he had wanted he would have had her naked in his bed but it didn't happen because he didn't want to. and boom she slaps him. and well in the end she has the opportunity to go to another city to start from scratch. and when he realizes that the main character is about to go he literally runs after her and begs her not to go that he needs her etc. and she with all the pain in her heart tells him no that he helped her in a great way and that she is deeply grateful to him. And that she loves her but she want to love herself more and he said he'll never forgive her and that he loves her and well there ends the first book.

    I didn't like the second book because she didn't end up with Luka. but to quickly summarize, they meet again 5 years later as adults (she was 20 and he was 25 and now she is 25 and he is 30) they meet while she is on vacation and he is surprised and falls in love with her again, but she is already engaged to someone. And well, he fights for her and she is confused, she sleeps with him and in the end sh. asks for his forgiveness because she doesn't love him and marries her fiancé. Luka is left alone and he was literally perfect, what every woman would dream of, but she was not destined for him. Literally the last sentence of the second book is "Luka wasn't happy, but he will be."

    Is there anything like that out there? Haha please someone say something I'm dying right now

    by Thick-Ad-3703

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