September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Through trial and error I've discovered that very few authors have a catalogue which I can read in its entirety. So often I discover an author, read one of their books and absolutely adore it! This sends me on a mission to buy all their books. Yet I usually find their other work far too similar and I'm simply let down. Take Mariana Enriquez' Our Share of Night, which I love! Such a fascinating and unique read. Yet I'm halfway into one of her short story collections and I'm finding it way too similar to her novel. It simply falls flat.

    To avoid reading and genre fatigue I do mix it up quite dramatically, jumping from classic lit to sci fi to non fiction, but even still I find myself struggling to experience the high I often feel after reading that first incredible book by a particular author.

    The only authors I have been able to enjoy almost their entire works are Thomas Hardy, EM Forster, Yann Martel and Stephen King.

    by mauvebelize


    1. Eastern_Recording818 on

      Much to my shame I have only completed one catalogue being Cormac McCarthy and I enjoyed all of his works.

      The other authors I am working through who I have enjoyed everything so far are: Toni Morrison, Herman Melville and Nikolai Gogol which really isnt a shock since all three are so highly regarded but Toni especially I am starting to believe she will never miss lol.

    2. Tight_Lavishness_278 on

      I’m working my way through Stephen King’s extensive catalogue, and I have loved every single one so far.

    3. Generally if an author is very consistent, if one book is good I will like the rest. As an example, Terry Pratchett has a huge catalogue, and all of his books are a good read – though the first fews ones are clearly before he got into his stride – still fun reads.

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