September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    As an outsider ( I’m not American, nor have I visited ) I’m so intrigued to learn how the good people of the US find themselves in this surreal political landscape. I’m not interested (in the slightest) about the man himself – more how has he wrestled control of the Republican Party and how has he convinced half of the country to, at the very least, tolerate him in the name of republican values..?

    It’s the mindset of the average Republican voter next door that I’m interested in .

    Any suggestions? Recent GOP history, history of the electoral college and attempts ( if any ) to revise it, the people that ignore the bad taste and eat it anyway, that reconcile religious beliefs and morals with the monster in front of their eyes.

    by SouthernFinish6585


    1. Read The Fraud. It isn’t directly about America, but it gives insight into how so many could be buying into total BS. Sometimes deep truths are told in fiction.

    2. So I have not read it but I’ve heard that Jesus and John Wayne is a good book for understanding American evangelicalism and its connection to politics, including a history of that. It’s not necessarily Trump specific, but it does describe cultural and political movements that absolutely enabled Trump’s election

    3. InstructionOk9520 on

      When all is said and done America is about 2 things: race and space. Every symptom of American culture, society, politics has its roots in one or both of these things.

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