September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I’m going through a really difficult time in my life and need book recommendations to accompany me in this journey. Happy ending, sad ending or realistic ending. I want a bit of all because I need to feel all the things in order to heal. Mature books or poor quality YA, I’m up for anything, just want some book company and for it to make me feel something.

    Long context, sorry! 🥲
    I’ve been in love with my first love for ages. We fell in love as teenagers and were each others first relationship. I was a very unhappy kid and ended up breaking up with him but have never lost any feeling. The feeling went a bit quieter (never dead) and, as I grew up, I really liked this guy who I was in a serious relationship for some years. We are no longer together.

    Life changed a lot and I’ve reconnected with my first love which was the thing I was most afraid of because he never left my mind. We were too “dependent” on each other and there were/are feelings on each side (more on mine, obviously). We were in a “situationship” (I think that’s the name) for the last almost 2 years. I had to end it because he wouldn’t assume a compromise with me. I’ve been the happiest during the time I was with him and felt like it was meant to be. I finally have my chance. But I was also the most miserable when I thought “why can’t he just love me like I do?” or other idiotic things we ask ourselves when going through these scenarios.

    I’m absolutely miserable now. I really thought this person was the one and I’d build a life and family with him. It’s really hurting a lot, to be fully honest. I want to heal and stop waiting for him to grow and show up. It’s not gonna happen.

    Any recommendations for after work reading? Thank you 💗

    by searchingwillow

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