September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Maybe it had a crooked moral subtext?

    Maybe it had a lousy resolution?

    Maybe there was a MC who really rubbed you the wrong way?

    Maybe it was much hyped, but turned out to be execrably poor writing?

    I want to know your rage-inducing reads, and why they fired you up!

    by Cabbage_Pizza


    1. Twelve Nights at Rotter House. Have never hated an ending more. I hate the >!The narrator is just crazy and none of this really happened ending!<

    2. The first Game of Thrones. After he killed Ned, all I could think was “why the hell did I bother reading this!” It took me over a year to pick up the second book.

    3. Life After Life by Kate Atkinson. It just went on and on and on and on and on in a dull and plodding way with no satisfaction come the ending. Probably the point of the book but very meh for me.

      Jane Eyre for different reasons. I just hated Rochester with a passion for how he treated Jane, and Jane for meekly putting up with it. It’s now mostly agreed that Rochester was a prick, which helps.

    4. instrangerswetrust on

      Infinite Jest. Couldn’t finish it, couldn’t throw it at the wall cos I didn’t want to lose my deposit.

    5. Past-Wrangler9513 on

      Allegiant by Veronica Roth. I really liked the Divergent series right up until this book. I pre-ordered it. I started it at midnight when it was released. And if I hadn’t been reading it on my Kindle I absolutely would have thrown it against the wall. Character development just tossed out the window, disappointing ending, stupid reveal of what was actually going on – what a waste of time it was reading that series.

    6. PERFECT MATCH by Jodi Picoult.


      >!So this woman thinks a beloved priest molested her kid because of DNA evidence. She kills the priest and then finds out that he has received a bone marrow transplant that caused the DNA test to get fucked up and he was innocent. She goes to trial and _the fucking jury finds her NOT GUILTY!!!_ why? Oh sure… she was _wrong_ (according to the jury)…. But her blatantly vigilante act of murder was totes justified because she thought she was right! What a fucking stupid book!<

    7. After Anna by Lisa scottoline – took a very complex situation and wrapped it up in like half a page of dialogue. I was pissed and will never read her again.

    8. _Memoir of a Geisha_, by Arthur Golden, was a massive disappointment. I ripped it in half rather than punish my wall.

    9. 50 Shades of Grey, The Fine Print, and Twisted Love. I read them for a February romance reading challenge and they infuriated me with how awful the MMCs were. I have so many annotations in 50SOG of me calling Christian Grey every insulting name under the sun.

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