September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I'm looking for books centered around a small group of characters and their fun interactions together. Nothing too grim but also not an outright comedy.

    Examples of books I liked:

    • The Blacktongue Thief – love Kinch's interactions with the people he travels with.
    • Omega Force – it's like Guardians of the Galaxy. Characters always fuck with each other and fight, but they're family.
    • Bartimaeus Sequence – love Nathaniel's bickering with Bartimaeus. The djinn's snide observations are great too.
    • A Master of Djinn – I like the characters and writing. Two young cops investigate magical crimes in Egypt.
    • Mother of Learning – Harry Potter meets Groundhog Day… I guess this one isn't as character-focused but I liked it. 😅
    • Gentlemen Bastards – Love the friendship between the two main characters.
    • Project Hail Mary – Great hard sci-fi, love the protagonist's optimism and the friendship

    by MKleister


    1. SporadicAndNomadic on

      You should read Guards, Guards by Terry Pratchett. The banter is great. It’s in the Discworld series but can be read standalone.

    2. Ilona Andrews Innkeeper Chronicles –A magic Inn, space werewolves and vampires, a lot of really unique aliens, mystery, romance, action, a fun and humorous series

    3. Butterball-24601 on

      Sisters of Jade, by James Downe. The interactions of the four adventuring sisters is fun, though admittedly it walks the line of dark.

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