September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Just finished this mammoth of a book. I'm so glad I did! It's definitely one of the best plot-driven books I've ever read. Especially a classic.

    Of all the people who've wronged Dantes, who did you feel you could not forgive? For me it was Danglars. I hated that he didn't die in the end though he "repented". He is the mastermind behind the plan to send Dantes to prison. It was his jealousy and ambition that started the story. I just could not forgive him. Cadarouse is a close second.

    by Fred_sarah


    1. ThatcherSimp1982 on

      Fernand, IMO, is the most despicable–unlike Cadarouse, Fernand wasn’t *just* a passive observer but an active part of the plot. And, of course, he didn’t *only* conspire against Dantes but betrayed literally everybody in his personal and professional lives. He had no redeeming characteristics whatsoever–even when he goes up to the Count to duel him, he has a panic attack when he figures out it’s Dantes, so we can add cowardice to all his other defects. He got exactly what he deserved–except, perhaps, that, as the Count noted, a bullet was too quick for him.

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