September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    My friend is very religious and will be putting her dog down soon. I wanted to get the family a book about pet loss, but many of the books I'm seeing talk about dogs going to heaven, or their spirt. I'm pretty sure my friend does not believe that dogs have a spirit.

    I on the other hand am not religious. I want to be respectful of their beliefs but I also don't want to be disingenuous to my own beliefs. For this reason I don't want to get them a religious grief book.

    I'm seeking something in the middle. Something about being sad your pet is gone but makes no mention of their souls.

    I'm thinking Goodbye Bella by Katherine Pendergast may be a good option but I can't find a sample of it online. Has anyone read it and if so, does it align with what I'm looking for?

    If not, I'd appreciate any recommendations! She has she has toddlers and a first grader.

    by AntelopeOverall2957

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