September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    So I was reading Wuthering Heights and I got to say I hate, hate, hated Heathcliff. Not so much when he was younger but as he got older and getting his revenge. Felt so cruel and at times I saw him almost as a kind of psychopath, a villain.

    Was talking about the book and later got into a debate with someone who said Heathcliff's behavior made total sense for him and his behavior was justified. Now I'm not sure how to feel about him. I mean yes he was victimized but does that mean he gets a free pass to be a sadist? Maybe for whatever reason I never sympathized with him enough when he was young and subject to cruelty, which is why his later behavior seems to me to be more reflective of who Heathcliff is and is capable of than a reaction to what happened to him.

    I don't know, got all confused about him.

    Have you struggled with confusion of feelings toward certain characters?

    by Sabre-toothed

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