September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I’m (24m) trying to get a book I love. The last book I read cover to cover was written by my mom and I think I really liked it because I knew the author personally. I don’t really like fiction and 7 habits was good until I found myself getting bored about 100 pages in. Any recommendations? I work in commercial real estate and graduated w bachelors in business administration

    by reefOnGod

    1 Comment

    1. So if you’re looking to get into fiction, my main recommendation would be to be open to trying any book that looks like it could be possibly interesting to you, and then do a lot of free voluntary reading, so basically set some time aside each day to read something and you can read anything in that time, you don’t have to stick with the same book or anything. In fact if you’re getting bored with a book it’s recommended that you drop it and try the next one.

      Basically you’re just going to have to keep trying different texts and genres until you find something that sticks. For some people they find their thing right away and other people end to having to search a bit more, but if you’re genuinely looking to find something, I guarantee you there’s books out there for you.

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