September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I always recommend re-reading books you liked as a teen, as an adult because you as the reader have changed.

    Wuthering Heights
    As a 14 yr old girl I had the same first read reaction that for too many has never changed. It's easy to see romance when you've never experienced it. The adult perspective is it's an illustration of multiple types of domestic abuses and multiple tragic tales of accepting less than love because they don't know better.


    by Fth1sShit

    1 Comment

    1. Rebecca. I loved it and read it multiple times as a teen. Everything seemed justified and understandable to me. As an adult, I hardly knew who to hate the most by the end of the book. Max deWinter is a terrible person who is condescending to his new wife as well as fails to explain anything about the household or help out (as well as you-know-what, which was NOT justified). The unnamed new wife is boring and insipid. The most likeable people to me as an adult, Max’s sister & her husband, are constantly put down and the narrator wants to avoid socializing with them. Should have left it in the past, I guess.

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