July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I have a very hard time accepting death. I mean, we all have to die at one point but I’m literally scared of it and just the idea of like never being here again kinda scares me. I want to know like, the experience and what’s it like in the afterlife or if there is an afterlife. Does that make sense? Like a book that will help me learn to accept it and be ok with it.

    by BlueberryCheez45


    1. If you’re open to fiction, read Lincoln in the Bardo by George Saunders. It takes place in a cemetery and is told from the perspectives of ghosts who haven’t accepted their deaths. The book begins with the death and internment of Abraham Lincoln’s young son.

    2. The Ocean at the End of the Lane by Neil Gaiman–it’s a book that discusses the disconnect between adulthood and childhood and is just a great rumination on grief, love, and loss.

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