September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Heyo! I am going backpacking and camping in the woods for a week and I would love to take a book with me. I was thinking a good old fantasy type with great forest vibes – descriptions of traveling down forest paths, setting up camp, maybe finding old lodges or cottages to stay in. That doesn't have to be the plot, just part of the adventure. I know the Valdemar books by Mercedes Lackey has some of this, as well as The Green Rider by Kristen Britain (at least the first book does, never got into the rest of the series), if you are familiar with those.

    Idk, just looking for a good adventure in another world to get lost in and add to my soaking in of the forest I will be in.

    Bonus points for female main characters, but not a dealbreaker without them.

    by elemenohpeaQ

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