September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I’m currently preparing for an exam that involves a lot of reading comprehension and vocabulary, and I’ve been advised to dive into non-fiction to help with this. However, I’ve never really enjoyed non-fiction before; I’ve always found it a bit dull (perhaps I’ve just picked the wrong ones).

    I’m hoping to find some non-fiction books that are engaging and well-written—something that might appeal to someone who primarily reads fiction. I’d prefer to avoid self-help and overly preachy books.

    Thank Youuu 🙂

    by khushi8322


    1. My automatic recommendation is any of Bill Bryson’s books. He writes in a fun and engaging style about a wide range of topics, and shows a clear love of the English language. 

      I particularly love his books **One Summer** (about the summer of 1927 in the United States), **At Home** (a history of domestic life, told via a tour through his own house), and **In A Sunburned Country** (about his travels across Australia).

    2. Salt Sugar Fat: How The Food Giants Hooked Us (Michael Moss)

      The News: A User’s Manual (Alain De Botton)

      Predictably Irrational: The Hidden Forces That Shape Our Decisions (Dan Ariely)

      The Wisdom Of Crowds (James Surowiecki)

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