September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hey everyone.. I’ve lately not been in a great place mentally, and I could really use some feel-good, comforting books. I’m looking for something nice and warm—maybe cute romances or books with beautiful quotes that I can escape into. Or even books where I can learn a little something, because lately I’ve been feeling like I’m not doing much in life, so at least I’d feel a bit productive while reading.

    My boyfriend recently gifted me a Kindle for my birthday to help take my mind off what I’m dealing with, so I tried starting White Nights by Fyodor Dostoevsky. However, I’m having trouble getting into it—my attention span has really dropped due to the instant dopamine hits from reels. I’ve deleted all my social media and just need a fictional book that’ll hook me from the start.

    Nothing too heavy or related to depression though—I really need an escape from what I’m going through mentally.

    Any recommendations would mean a lot to me. I’m really grateful for this community. Thank you so much! 🙏

    by MathematicianHuge332

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