September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hey, yall, I've never been a book reader other than what was required at school. I don't know why it never stuck. (Other than some probable mild adhd and horrible attention span) As a child, I would find the stories exciting and loved the feeling of coming across new words and absorbing them.

    I'm 24 now, and find myself longing to know about stories from a medium I've greatly ignored, along with the fact that I finally worked up the courage to go back to school and make something of myself. I know for a fact my vocabulary has stagnated/regressed a bit and don't want to fall behind in terms of reading comprehension, which is something I've struggled with that's cost me to loose confidence when it comes to academics.

    So my question would be, what are some entry-level books you guys recommend I pick up? would something like 20000 leagues under the sea be okay? I'm up for any genre and don't have any reservation to any topic.

    Thanks in advance.

    by God_totodile

    1 Comment

    1. Go to library and browse a bit. If something catches your attention, read a page or two. Talk to librarian about what you like and what you want. Borrow some books and try. That’s the best way.

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