July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I used to have a strict monthly TBR where i tell myself i could only read these certain books during the month, because well, TBR. Then, I hit a reading slump that lasted about a year and a half.

    I started reading again this year, and as of date, I have read a total of 211 books which is my best. One thing I realised that helped me read so much was not having a TBR list. It’s also maybe because as a person, once I make a list, I have to follow the list (lol)! So having the “freedom” of picking up a book whenever I find it interesting and not having to “wait” reading it because I have a TBR list.

    Do y’all have a TBR? How rigid do you follow yours? 🙂

    by PsychologicalJello75

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