September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    A few months ago I finally finished reading the book and I absolutely hated it. I am a native English speaker, and I like to think that my vocabulary is quite extensive. I recently started reading literature to expand my vocabulary. What I like to do is to write any word I do not know or understand and then study it later in Anki. Brave New World was almost impossible to read because every single page had 3-4 words which I never in my life seen anywhere. It almost felt like the Huxley was doing it on purpose.

    Just a few examples, out of I think 500-600 I found in the book: gaudily, precipice, solecism, waylay, perennially, indecorum, becalmed, surreptitious, boscage, indefatigability.

    Some words are used in such a strange manner that it almost feel like Huxley was on purpose confusing the reader.

    by SageKnows

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