September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I don’t know if this is a me problem or if I haven’t read the right books but… I haven’t been ‘scared’ by a book.

    I’ve read some disturbing and unsettling things, but it just doesn’t work for me? I’ve always been more terrified watching a movie than reading a book. And I’m a massive scaredy cat.

    Anyway – and I hope I regret this – please give me some books that are utterly and viscerally terrifying.

    kinda reposted this because I messed up first time around sorry

    by jordansalittleodd

    1 Comment

    1. Ok_Pomegranate_2436 on

      The Road, and Hill House are both scary for different reasons. Hard to know which, if any, would be frightening to you.

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