September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hi all! So aside from a few, I cannot stand horror movies. I think the best horror comes from tension, not things like jump-scares, and I figure that would translate well to books. But I don’t know if this is a me problem or if I haven’t read the right books but… I haven’t been ‘scared’ by a book.

    I’ve read some disturbing and unsettling things, and I’ve heard the argument about “your own visualisation is scarier than anything someone else shows you because you inherently know your own fears” but it just doesn’t work for me? I’ve always been more terrified watching a movie than reading a book.
    Oddly I’ve found some creepypastas more fear inducing than some famous horror authors, although it’s been a while since I’ve read any of those so it’s probably my younger self’s memory.

    Anyway – and I hope I regret this – please give me some books that are utterly and viscerally terrifying.

    by jordansalittleodd

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