September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Ive realized that if im not enjoying a book, I don’t have to finish it. I’ll still give it a solid effort and try to get at least a third of the way through, but if it’s not clicking for whatever reason, I can move on to something I do enjoy. Life’s too short to force myself to read things I’m not enjoying.

    by Basic_Two_2279

    1 Comment

    1. Strange_Prune_6658 on

      That’s absolutely true! Life is full of amazing books, and there’s no reason to waste time on one that doesn’t captivate you. It’s great that you give the book a chance, but if it doesn’t resonate with you, it’s better to move on to something that inspires and excites you. Reading should be a pleasure, not a chore

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