September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    And the dreams won't make any sense…And from this week the dreams are increased. I feel like I have dreamed whole my night. There are frequent scary, funny, illogical dreams…Once there was a dream: my teacher asked from where I am writing answers in my notebook and I said from reddit , she said ok and after a few minutes attacked me from a axe 🤣 and when my eyes opened I saw AC light and thought that it was my teacher eyes and I screamed so loud that my whole house was waked up…And dreams don't only come at night it also comes at afternoon.Once I was with my school crush and spending my time happily and suddenly the alarm ⏰ rang , it was hell of a depressing dream…I think this is because of my reading because when I read I imagine a lot and my imagination power has also increased and due to this my dreams are also clear…Do you also have this problem and sorry for my bad english I am not a native speaker !

    by Book_Lover_fiction

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