September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    i recently rewatched arcane and one thing i really liked is how the gender of the characters had very little to do with them

    specifically what i liked in arcane was
    – for women, there are tons of feminine and masculine women who fulfil multiple roles in varying levels of power. their gender is never brought into attention and they all have agency
    – for men, there are single fathers and it’s never treated as an exception. and the men show varying levels of strong emotions beyond just anger. they can cry and be physically weak without their gender being brought into question

    i just want a book where the sex and gender don’t matter at all. not in the everyone is non binary/gender less sense, just that there are no typical gender norms or homophobia (because any prejudice to do with gender is non existant). where both women and men display both typical masculine and feminine traits and it’s not brought into attention, it’s just normal

    i prefer fantasy just because i like it being set in a different society but i’m okay with any genre. and i’m okay with any other topics related to injustice as long as it’s not about sexism or misogyny or anything like that. class or racial injustice is fine

    by EntireFish1k

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