July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hey guys , my nieces birthday is coming up late February, Id like to get her a book but not sure what type of books she likes, to be honest she is not really into book, but if she finds it interesting she will read it. 2yrs ago she had a friend that was vegan so back then that was all she spoke about, currently im pretty sure she is not vegan or trying lol , i got her this book:Chickpea Runs Away VEGAN CHILDREN’S


    Update: but 2 books on my wish list in Amazon , chicken soup for the soul for girls and make up manual since i noticed recently she likes putting on make up lol.

    by Sajor1975


    1. Tamora Pierce has a vast multitude of book series that are great for young girls. Pick one and see how it goes.
      Alternatively, Coraline, or The Graveyard Book, by Neil Gaiman are good if she likes spooky stuff.

    2. Anxious-Outside-6203 on

      What about graphic novels? They are quick reads and the illustrations are always amazing. They may be better for someone who is not the biggest reader

      I’m sorry I’m not the most familiar with middle grade ones so I can’t give you specific titles.

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