September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Wow all I have to say is that was not the ending I was expecting! I thought Marcos had a change of heart about the whole establishment of human meat. As Jasmine is giving birth I thought it would be a beautiful ending weird but beautiful ending where Marcos, Cecilia and Jasmine co parent but no. He just stunned her and took her out to the barn. This was a messed up read the part that took the heaviest toll on me was when the kids found the stray puppies. But I have to say it was great read had me hooked! Anybody that read this book what did you pick up reading after it?

    by 97Bloodorange__

    1 Comment

    1. CrazyCatLady108 on

      >As Jasmine is giving birth I thought it would be a beautiful ending weird but beautiful ending where Marcos, Cecilia and Jasmine co parent but no.

      why? he never treats her better than a dog. i think when they were sitting under a tree with her head on his lap, he was remembering his dog that died. the way he talks about her being entertained by TV and able to draw is akin to telling coworkers about the quirky thing your pet does. she is not an equal to him, ever.

      worse, while he talks big game about everything surrounding ‘meat’ production being immoral as he profits handsomely from it. he wants the moral superiority to say ‘see, i am not like them’ while being exactly like them.

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