September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I went down the rabbit hole recently after reading 11/22/63 by Stephen King, and wanted to learn as much as I could about JFK, and his family history. I found I was really connected to how his death affected Jackie Onassis, and of course, was moved by the photo of John Kennedy Jr. as a child doing a salute at his father’s funeral.

    So I eventually came to understand the man that little boy eventually grew up to be, which ultimately led me to the story of his death.

    When I looked up books about his plane crash, I discovered the memoir by Carole Radziwill, who was JFK Jr.’s cousin by marriage. She was really close to him, and was best friends with his wife Carolyn. What I didn’t know was that her story was not just about John and Carolyn’s death, but how she lost her husband three weeks later after a five year battle with cancer.

    Let’s just say, I was a complete wreck by the time I finished her book.

    Radziwill was a former ABC News producer, so what we get is a remarkably well written, devastating story that proved to be one of the best I’ve read in the past few months.

    by CmdrGrayson


    1. Electrical-Scholar32 on

      Thank you for this! I am going to order it now! I am a fan of Carole and came to know her on The Real housewives of New York, that I am currently rewatching right now lol!!

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